Two Driving Myths Not To Pass On To Your Teen Driver

Posted on: 14 January 2016

When it comes to driving everyone seems to think they are an expert. In reality, a number of people fall for driving myths that make them anything but a good driver. Some parents even pass down these driving myths to their children, setting them on the wrong course. If you have a teen that will be getting behind the wheel soon, here are just some of the driving myths you don't want to pass on.

Driving At 10 And 2 Is Safest

There is a widespread belief that driving with your hands at the 10 and 2 o'clock positions on the steering wheel is safest. When this thought process first came about, airbags in vehicles were pretty much non-existent. These days, most, if not all, newly manufactured vehicles have an airbag installed within the steering compartment. For this reason, the 10 and 2 rule is no longer valid.

In the event the airbag deploys, if your hands are in this position, the force of the airbag will actually cause your hands to slam right into your face, causing even greater injury to your face, arm and hands. It's safer to drive with your hands at the 9 and 3 o'clock position. This driving position still gives you ample control over your vehicle, but it also ensures your hands are out of the way in the event a collision causes the airbag to deploy.

A Cars Length Distance Is Enough

Some people believe that as long as there's a car's length of distance between the front of their vehicle and the rear of the vehicle in front of them, they have plenty of time to stop should they need to. Instead of car lengths, you should be measuring distance in seconds. In normal driving conditions, such as clear skies and light traffic, you want to keep at least three-seconds of space between the car in front of you. To see if you're following this rule, find a fixed object on the road, such as a tree. When the vehicle in front of you passes the object, start counting. You should be able to say, Mississippi one, Mississippi two, Mississippi three, before you also pass this object. Otherwise, you are traveling too close. In more difficult driving conditions, such as rain or heavy traffic, you want to allow for even more time. 

In addition to not passing on these myths to your teen driver, instruction from a professional driving school can also help ensure that your child is safe and ready for the road. Visit a site like for more information.


Preschool Education: A Parent Guide

Small children have such amazing imaginations and they are filled with excitement. As a preschool teacher, I have seen this wonder turn into a love of learning. I cherish all of the children I have the opportunity to teach, and each child is special in their own way. Kids grow up fast though, and everything that a child learns in preschool helps to shape their minds in a positive way. If you are a parent, then this means you need to take the opportunity to read to your children and teach them the alphabet. Your effort can make just as much of a difference as your child's teacher. If you have no idea where to start, then explore my blog to find some great preschool learning tips and tricks. Not only will you learn to teach, but you will find out how to have fun at the same time.

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